Introducing The Gates Employee Benefit Partnership Program
If You, Or Anyone In Your Family Is Thinking About Buying A New Car In The Next 12 Months, Then This Program Is For You.
Sign Up For The Gates Employee Benefit Partnership Program
Benefits Include:
Save More Of Your Hard Earned Money - You will be eligible to purchase your next GMC / Nissan at substantial savings over normal retail pricing.
How Pre-Negotiated Pricing Can Help You – You will know exactly what you are paying for. You will be shown the manufacturers invoice and all available rebates and incentives for your vehicle plus the specially negotiated savings brought to you by our organization. In some cases your cost will be below invoice.
The Gates Valet Makes Your Life Easy – If your car needs to be serviced, or even needs just an oil change, we will pick your car up at your home or office and return it to you when the work has been completed.
Your Buying Experience Will Be Quick And Painless - When you join The Gates Employee Benefit Partnership Plan you will save hours of time normally associated with purchasing a new car or truck. Since you will become one of our preferred customers you will be extended special privileges and receive special discount offers.
The Ultimate Test Drive Experience: Try The Car Overnight – We will deliver the car or truck to you. Drive it, and we will pick it up the next day.
Sign Up For The Gates Employee Benefit Partnership Program
Or by calling Jeff Kasper 860-456-0055 toll free at 800-698-1243